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首席宾斯, a lifelong resident of West Sacramento, 1990年,他作为西萨克拉门托市消防部门的后备消防员开始了他的职业生涯. 同时, 他曾在托尼精细食品公司当过卡车司机,还参加了美国河学院的消防科学课程. 宾斯于1997年毕业于北加州培训学院护理学院,并于1998年被戴维斯市消防局聘为消防员. After working three years for the City of Davis Fire Department, 首席宾斯 was hired by the City of 西萨克拉门托消防局 as a Firefighter in 2001. He spent two years as a Firefighter before being promoted to the rank of Engineer in 2003. In December of 2005, 首席宾斯 was promoted to the rank of Captain. 他于2011年被提名为“年度消防员”,并于2012年晋升为营长. 首席宾斯 was promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief in January 2017, 并最终, promoted to Fire Chief in November 2019.


Chief Cullison began his career with the 西萨克拉门托消防局 in 2002. 在加入WSFD之前,在加州大学戴维斯分校攻读生物科学学士学位, Chief Cullison worked as a student resident firefighter for the UC Davis Fire Department.  大学毕业后, Cullison局长被WSFD聘为消防员,并就读于萨克拉门托地区消防学院.  He was promoted to Engineer in 2006, to Captain in 2009, and to Battalion Chief in 2017. Chief Cullison is a state certified Fire Officer and Chief Officer, 并曾多次协助为该部门争取补充拨款.  作为副局长, he oversees day-to-day fire department operations, 预算, 人员, 和设施. 


Chief Pfeifer began his career as a seasonal firefighter with CAL Fire in 2000. Chief Pfeifer was hired with the 西萨克拉门托消防局 in 2001. He attended the Sacramento Regional Fire academy and graduated in June 2001. 2003年,Chief Pfeifer晋升为工程师,并于同年被授予“年度消防员”. In 2007 he promoted to the rank of Captain, a position he held until 2014 when he was promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief. He previously worked in the office as an Administrative Battalion Chief. Chief Pfeifer earned a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education from the University of Nevada, Reno and an associate’s degree in Fire Technology from Solano College. He is also a state certified Chief Officer.


Chief Hull began his career as a seasonal firefighter with CAL Fire in 2005. 2年后, 赫尔局长受雇于西萨克拉门托消防局,并于2007年6月毕业于萨克拉门托地区消防学院. Chief Hull was promoted to the rank of Captain in December of 2013, a position he held until September of 2020, when he was promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief. Currently he is filling the position of Administrative Battalion Chief. 在他的整个职业生涯中,他一直参与培训来自WSFD的人员以及约洛县的合作机构. 首席赫尔是一名国家认证的消防官员,并于2015年被选为萨克拉门托地区消防学院的讲师. Prior to his career in the fire service, 赫尔酋长曾就读于加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,在那里他有幸在NCAA男子篮球队打了4年, graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law & Society along with a minor in Sports Management.


Chief Francesconi began his career with 西萨克拉门托消防局 in 2001. 在加入WSFD之前,在萨克拉门托州立大学攻读理学学士学位, Chief Francesconi was a Volunteer Firefighter with Sacramento Fire Department in 1996. He attended the Sacramento Regional Fire academy and graduated in December 2001. Francesconi在2007年4月晋升为工程师,然后在2007年9月晋升为船长. 他担任了13年的上尉,于2021年7月晋升为大队长. Chief Francesconi is currently the Battalion Chief assigned to the “C” shift platoon.


2001年,斯蒂芬尼在米克斯湾消防局(Meeks Bay Fire Department)开始了他的兼职消防员生涯. 2002年,他被西萨克拉门托消防局聘用,在那里他就读于萨克拉门托地区消防学院, 2003年毕业. In 2006, Chief Stefani was promoted to Engineer and then Captain in 2012, a position he held until 2022 when he was promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief. 他是一名认证的消防官员,正在努力获得哥伦比亚南方大学消防管理学士学位. Chief Stefani is currently assigned as the Battalion Chief of the “B” shift.


消防局长约翰逊是纽约市的消防局长,负责消防局的社区风险降低部门(CRRD)。.  他很小的时候就对消防产生了兴趣,因为他的父亲是一名消防队长,叔叔是一名消防队长.  他的消防生涯始于1997年,当时他在家乡考特兰担任志愿消防员, CA.  After leaving the petroleum industry as a safety and environmental compliance manager in 2008, he began his employment with the City as a Fire Inspector.  In 2012 he was offered an acting assignment as Fire Marshal, which transitioned to a full appointment in 2014; and that same year was recognized as the City’s employee of the year.  消防局长约翰逊是州任命的州消防局长办公室委员会成员, Vice-Chair to California’s Region IV Local Emergency Planning Commission, as well as serves other industry committees and associations.  Bryan持有许多专业证书,并被认证为教授许多行业相关科目, as well as continues his formal education in emergency services.


丹的职业生涯始于西萨克拉门托市的公园和娱乐部门, 利用一次晋升机会加入消防局,不久便晋升为消防督察. 他喜欢有机会协助社区进行防火和社区风险降低海洋之神登录入口和教育.


Adeline Wright joined the 西萨克拉门托消防局 as a fire inspector in March 2020. Prior to working with the 西萨克拉门托市, Adeline worked as a reserve fire inspector for the City of Torrance for two years. 与此同时, 她在半导体行业工作了六年,担任工艺技术人员和应急响应小组成员. 她的教育经历包括圣安娜学院消防技术预防官员的副学士学位, and she is continuing her education with a Bachelor’s in Science in Fire, Arson, Explosion 调查 through Eastern Kentucky University.

Jessica Walton, Senior Fire Plans Examiner


Lynda于2013年7月被聘为西萨克拉门托消防局的金融专家, was promoted to Administrative Analyst in July 2016 and to Senior Analyst in January 2020. 她最初于1996年11月受雇于西萨克拉门托市,在公共工程部和城市经理办公室工作. In 2000, she left the City to work at the Sacramento Area Council of 政府s (SACOG). 四年后, she returned to the 西萨克拉门托市, 在转到消防部门之前,再次在重建和城市经理办公室工作. Lynda is a graduate of California State University, Chico, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies.


在2022年8月,Sharee' Wooten加入了西萨克拉门托消防部门,担任财务专家. 她来到西萨克拉门托市有四年的萨克拉门托市的商业经验, 许可证和税收司. Sharee' is a long-time Sacramento native, living in North Sacramento all of her life. 她的教育经历包括加州州立大学传播学学士学位, 他最近在凤凰城大学获得了工商管理硕士学位.


Nicole Winger joined the 西萨克拉门托消防局 as a Secretary in February 2020.  妮可在迪克森长大, California and has been an active resident of our West Sacramento community since 2000.  While Nicole focused on raising her family, 她非常自豪地担任詹姆斯马歇尔家长参与幼儿园和斯通门小学家长教师组织的董事会成员.  Nicole is not new to the 西萨克拉门托市.  From 2017-2019, she was a part-time staff member at the West Sacramento 娱乐中心.  Nicole拥有多样化的背景和经验,从牙科保险和儿童保育行业到她最近在Yolo县卫生和人类海洋之神登录入口机构的职位, 公众外展计划.